Tuesday, October 31, 2006
About My Painting Works
My main topic of research is an investigation of a child’s understanding of sexuality during his growing up years, through my artwork I hope to allow the audience an insight into the child’s strange and vague subjective consciousness towards sexuality, as well as to show the subjective consciousness’ influence on the child.
My main topic of research is an investigation of a child’s understanding of sexuality during his growing up years, through my artwork I hope to allow the audience an insight into the child’s strange and vague subjective consciousness towards sexuality, as well as to show the subjective consciousness’ influence on the child.
Saturday, October 21, 2006
One of my friend sent me a email and then talk something about my works ,he said like this :"我刚才去看了你的作品了,全部?感觉好有压抑感!!!前面的照片看了让人心头一震,感觉心里面好郁闷啊,但是又发泄不了的那种感觉。后面的几张合成图都和小孩有关的,而且都有血迹,有几张画上都有翅膀,你应该在小时候很受伤,却又非常渴望得到别人的帮助吧。至于生日,全是章鱼的触角,我觉得在生日的时候其实你并不快乐。"i am soooo happy ,he is a guy who don't know too much about art .he can feel something from my works ,and he can understand my feeling .so happy he can sew a lot of things from my works .*_*